Centring multiculturalism at the heart to create real change
Multicultural audience and market research
Multicultural Advisory Panel & Youth Advisory Panel
Multicultural communication strategies
Multilingual advertising campaigns
Multilingual concept testing
Community engagement & partnerships
Chinese social media strategy
Multicultural media engagement
Event management & activations
CultureVerse is a multidisciplinary team of communication and engagement professionals with a passion for understanding, reaching and engaging multicultural audiences.
We put communities at the centre of all we do – we work with and alongside our audience, and our team reflects the diversity of modern day Australia. Using our tried and tested consultation and co-design methodologies, we develop communication solutions to help you connect with, and influence, multicultural audiences.
Our work spans many languages - and as a trusted language service provider, our approach values cultural sensitivity to ensure every message resonates authentically across different languages and cultures.
We apply our multicultural audience expertise to projects large and small – working independently on targeted multicultural communications projects or adding our expertise to the whole Think HQ Group to support the delivery of inclusive work for all the group’s clients.
Partnerships & Certifications

Our Advisory Panels
Our national Multicultural Advisory Panel (MAP) and Youth Multicultural Advisory Panel (YMAP) bring together our most trusted community advisors to provide insights and feedback to shape our work. For more information on our advisory panel members, see below