mental wellbeing
through art


Think HQ launched the Future Reset website for VicHealth, promoting mental wellbeing through art. Initially built on Drupal 9, the site offers flexible page layouts and access to resources, art projects and live events.



In May 2023, Think HQ launched the new Future Reset website for Vic Health to support the Future Reset program aimed at promoting mental wellbeing through the practice and involvement around art.

Built on Drupal 9, the website provides a flexible page construct for Vic Health and the 9 Creative Organisations involved in the program. With access to a large custom component library, content managers not only provide stories about an art project but also gives organisation access to unique resources and live events they can attend remotely via the website.

The collaboration between Vic Health and Think HQ will continue for years to come, so the website can evolve and be enhanced through rich story telling, further demonstrating the power of art in helping Victorians mental wellbeing.



Since its launch, the Future Reset site now showcases 40+ events, art projects and resources, submitted by the 9 creative collective members in collaboration with the VicHealth team, all centered around enhancing mental wellbeing and social connection through art, creativity and culture.

Recently, ThinkHQ’s digital team facilitated the upgrade of the site from Drupal 9, to Drupal 10. Including the latest updates and enhancements, Drupal 10 ensures better performance, more robust security measures while maintaining the functionality for the platform. This upgrade ensures compatibility with current and future modules, safeguarding the site's longevity and relevance.

The relationship between VicHealth and ThinkHQ ensures the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of the Future Healthy site, offering a positive experience for both content creators and users.

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