We’re raising three tonnes of food for the 1 in 6 Aussies going hungry

Each year for the last four years, LOUD (now part of Think HQ) has run a holiday food drive in partnership with Foodbank, to raise donations for the one in six Aussies going hungry.
In its first year, the initiative raised 400kg of food, in its second over a tonne, in its third 1.5 tonnes, and this year when the cost of living is at an all-time high, the goal is three tonnes of food. So, whether you’re finishing up for the year from your office or humble abode, we invite you to clear out your pantries, fill up a box, and find food a new home.
Taking part in The Very Merry Pantry is easy. All you need to do is submit this form before the 4th of December. We’ll then drop off an empty Very Merry Pantry box for you to fill up with non-perishable food, and on the 17th of December we’ll pick up the donation and take it to the Foodbank just in time for the holidays. Please note we can only drop boxes off within a 15km radius of our agencies in Sydney and Melbourne.
If you’re outside this radius, we are also taking food voucher donations, which you can purchase here, please email us at events@think-hq.com.au.
If you would like to start The Very Merry Pantry initiative at your own office, you can do that too:
- Spread the word of the initiative with your workplace, friends or family
- Fill up an empty cardboard box with non-perishable food items
- Drop it off Monday-Friday, between 8am-3pm at Foodbank in Melbourne or Sydney
Foodbank VIC: 4/2 Somerville Rd, Yarraville VIC 3013 Foodbank NSW: 50 Owen St, Glendenning NSW 2761
- Ask for the weight of the donation at Foodbank and send us some pics!
Happy holidays,
Think HQ